Got fitter and happier...
Hants CKD truly changed my life.
I have made amazing friends, learned incredible skills, got fitter and happier...
With CKD I have traveled the world and taken part in international events. I fulfilled my childhood dream of earning a black belt, and am halfway to my Second Dan.
You cannot overestimate how much good trying something new will do for you - and we are a super friendly family too!
All thanks to Choi Kwang Do
What can I say!! Choi Kwang do has changed my life so much!
I started when I was 17 and I could barely speak to anyone I was very anxious. I came to choi Kwang do after they came to my college for a sports experience day so I tried it out which was a massive step for me! My confidence grew, I achieved my 1st dan black belt and my 2nd dan and now I am a head instructor and teach classes and made some wonderful friends!
I'm 24 now and I will never look back and I will keep achieving! All thanks to Choi Kwang Do!
Justine Hatcher
I'm having the time of my life on my own journey to becoming a black belt
Well where do I start, firstly I want to thank the Bicknell family for everything. Their kindness and passion are inspiring.
I only started training in Choi Kwang Do in February 2009, but it took me a while to build up the courage to contact them, due to lack of self confidence which was from bullying in school, college and even my workplace. I trained at the gym in Portsmouth where the Hampshire Choi Kwang Do ran classes on a Friday night. In 2008, I used to watch the students and instructors coming out from their classes and I always a wanted to talk to them but never could. I decided to ask the trainers at the gym about it, but I was told that it was only for children? I was really disappointed as it had taken me so long just to ask that.
That same year I decided to join a Kung Fu class in my local area, I was so nervous but I really wanted to learn a Martial Art, so I made myself go. I was there for a few weeks, but I knew from the first moment I stepped into the hall it didn't feel right. After a few weeks, I decided to quit, even though I'm not a quitter.
Anyway, 2009 came and again I was training at the gym, when in walked the students and instructors from Hampshire CKD. I spent the whole session thinking to myself right that's it I'm going to speak to them when they come out, but unfortunately, I missed them.
I went straight down stairs and got one of their leaflets from the front desk, I'm going to call them tomorrow.
I had the leaflet for about a week before I was able to ring them, I even considered getting my mum to call for me. Finally, I made the call, I was greeted by a lovely warm and friendly voice (little did I know that it was Mrs BickneIl) She was so lovely and I felt so comfortable, I booked in my first class.
Well, the day came for my first class, I was so nervous, I nearly cancelled it. I walked into the room, to again be greeted with a huge friendly smile from Sabumnim Bicknell, which magically took away my nerves. She spent the whole lesson with me, going through the stretch and teaching me the basics. I loved every minute, every student in the class greeted me with the same kindness and respect, I felt like I fitted right in. I spent the whole weekend telling my parents all about it and I couldn't wait for the next class.
And it's like they say 'The rest is History, I have been training now for 10 months working through my belts. I can see the difference it as made to me, not just physically but mentally too. I feel so much more confident and have made so many friends. It's an amazing martial art and I could talk forever about it, I'm having the time of my life on my own journey to becoming a black belt, I'm just glad I found it.
So once again, thank you to the Bicknell Family, you're more than just Instructors your more like family.
Love & Pil Suhng
The Bicknell’s have made me feel at home from day 1
I came across CKD purely by accident while looking for a new martial art type hobby to take up.
I had a friendly and welcoming response to my initial enquiry so decided to have a trial session.
I’m so glad I did - I found CKD interesting due to its non competitive nature, and it being a fairly new form of self defence, and goals were to improve my self-confidence, fitness and to make new friends.
I have been learning Choi for nearly 4 months now, and would just like to say how much I’m enjoying it. This is largely due to the teaching, and encouragement, patience, and enthusiasm from Del and Karen that is so infectious, but also due to the friendliness, and encouragement from other classmates.
I get a real buzz from learning new skills and techniques in a warm, friendly environment. I hope to progress through many belts.
The teaching methods are easy to understand and clear.
I’ve noticed a big improvement in my fitness level, and even though I have a very long term elbow injury this has caused me very few problems in my CKD progression, due to the non-sparring/jabbing nature of the techniques we learn.
The Bicknell’s have made me feel at home from day 1, and I look forward to starting each weekend with such great people, and relieving some stress!
I would highly recommend Choi to anyone of any age.
With many thanks,
Helen Lancaster
T. Gray Lt Cdr RN
Mrs Bicknell’s 6 week self defence course has been inspirational. Each week she has taught different techniques to cope with varying confrontations whilst building up our self confidence to deal with awkward and potentially threatening situations. In the final session, we were taken out of our comfort zone with simulated attacks providing that much needed realism to put into practice what had been taught.
Throughout the course, Mrs Bicknell’s delivery was clear and simple. We all understood what was needed and how to follow through a would-be attack. We learnt to make ourselves less likely to be targeted, how to defend against attacks and how to gain control over an attacker. Although it is hoped that we will never have to put into practice what we have learnt, the feeling of self-assuredness that I am left with is hard to describe. Knowing that you can react if needed to the worst of a situation is well worth the cost. This wasn’t a technique-heavy hobby or exercise session – it was all about common sense, street smart awareness and a skill that all women should be exposed to. Simply put, Mrs Bicknell changed my outlook on self defence and I can not over emphasise the values that this course can bring. Her dynamic, enthusiastic and dedicated approach to ensuring we all got the best of the 6 week package was outstanding and this combined with her natural ability to teach provided us with a very rewarding learning experience.
I can not rate this course highly enough and I have no hesitation in strongly recommending this course to all females.
Tina Gray
Lt Cdr RN