The Buckley Family

Perhaps like other parents, we hadn’t planned to make Choi Kwang Do a family thing. We wanted our eldest son to try it to keep fit and to give him the tools to defend himself.
Dad and eldest son (now 10 years old) started 4 years ago, with Mum and youngest son (now 6 years old) starting 3 years later.
In the case of Dad, the plan wasn’t to do anything but watch. Having seen his older brother training, there was no question that our youngest would be joining at the first opportunity. Mum wasn’t going to be left out.

Our eldest says “you learn great skills and have fun”. Our youngest says “I like the games”.
For Mum and Dad, it’s a bit of quality time and a regular commitment to exercise.

Choi Kwang Do isn’t about fighting, it’s about building confidence and seeking self improvement.
The classes are inclusive and different each week. You learn with like-minded people at your own pace. The belt gradings don’t require you to fight others to progress.

Whether you’re looking to exercise, build confidence or just do something together as a family, Choi Kwang Do is a rewarding way to spend an hour together each week.