As a founder member of the baby boomer generation exercise has been important to me throughout life, usually by way of various sporting activities. In recent years this has been somewhat curtailed by a knee injury. Looking around for a suitable activity with which to stay fit I was told about Choi Kwang-Do, a martial art with a difference, ie. it was designed to avoid injury. Taking that on trust it was nevertheless with some trepidation that I thought I would give it a go. I need not have been concerned as training is incremental and done at a pace that suits the individual. So far, after six months, I am generally fitter and not only no damage, but the knee is if anything becoming more stable; this plus a bonus of noticeably increased mental awareness, stamina, sense of balance and greater confidence in my ability to cope with the stresses of life. My work as a nutritional therapist has given me an understanding that good health is predicated upon some basic foundations these being nutrition, of course, but also exercise, mental and spiritual health, life style, sleep and rest. It is my experience that Choi Kwang-Do makes an excellent contribution to these latter elements. Then another bonus – it’s great fun, especially trying to keep up with the high octane energy output of youngsters although that is not obligatory. All in an orderly, disciplined environment where all students of all ages are both shown and taught respect, high standards of conduct expected and the encouragement of others is the order of the day. To repeat –it’s great fun and the only way to find out if it would be fun for you is to give it a try!
Tim Walden